Fountain Medical Centre conducts short surveys with registered patients.
The questions are taken from the annual NHS GP Patient Survey which is an independent survey run by Ipsos on behalf on NHS England.
Why the survey matters:
- It is good for patients – patients have the chance to share their experience of their GP practice.
- It is good for practices – GP practices can use the results to improve patient experience.
Thank you to all patients who took part in the survey.
Patient Survey Results 2023
The survey was sent to 495 patients with 170 patients completing. Results as follows:
Q1. Generally, how easy is it to get through to someone at your GP practice on the phone?
82.14% of patients found it very easy/ fairly easy
Q2. Were you satisfied with the appointment (or appointments) you were offered?
78.68 % of patients are very satisfied/ satisfied.
Q3. Overall, how would you describe your experience of making an appointment?
73.5% of patients said good/ fairly good.
Q4. Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP practice?
78.44% said very good/ good.
Q5. Last time you had a general practice appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at treating you with care and concern?
89.42% said very good/ good.
Patient Survey Results 2022
The survey was sent to 578 patients with 132 patients completing. Results as follows:
Q1 Generally, how easy is it to get through to someone at your GP practice on the phone?
70.45% of patients found it very easy/ fairly easy
Q2 How satisfied are you with the general practice appointment times that are available to you?
71.22 % of patients are very satisfied/ fairly satisfied
Q3 Overall, how would you describe your experience of making an appointment?
75.76% of patients said good/ fairly good
Q4 Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP practice?
78.79% said very good/ good